This 5.5 Question session was messy. While interviewing 3 bands in a chat room seems efficient, it ended up messy. Missing answers, odd typography, and a 52 card pick up edit. The mess is more fun. If any of the bands would like to return for a one-on-one session, contact me.
When you’re onstage, what’s different about you from the every day you?
The Oceans Above We’re playing to people who are there to listen to us. so their vibes take control of us, and whatever happens, happens. Offstage noone knows who you are/ what you do.
Townes – Hum… I’d say we are a lot more sweaty than normal! Lol
The Totems – there isn’t really much levity to our gigs or music as it is mainly fueled by negative emotions and experiences (nothing like a divorce to help you write an album) so we seem very serious on stage and we’re a tiny bit more fun off it
What inspires you to write or perform music?
Townes – eVeRYTHING, eVeRYONe, and eVeRYWHeRe inspires us. Personal life experiences inspires us.
The Oceans Above – Bands like Don Broco & You Me At Six make us want to perform the music, Then when the people watch us and show their enjoyment, that makes you want to do it all over again.
Tell us about the first time you heard yourself on radio.
Townes – this is our first time!!! And it feels incredible :)))
Totems – Ok so the first time I ever heard myself on the radio was doing prank calls to Late-night Loves. With the Totems we were played on local radio in Camden (London) and it felt huge. We didn’t start up with any ambitions so was nice to hear an end result
What’s been your most memorable performance ever?
The Oceans Above – Our headline show, the turn out was insane. Our single ‘BLUE LIGHTS’ had people pulling out their phone touches in the breakdown, Heartwarming feeling!!
Townes – Most memorable performance is in our practice room! We have not played a live show yet. Yes we are a baby band…
The Totems – For us I think the Queen’s Jubilee. We headlined on the public holiday, the place was jammed and everyone was in a celebratory mood
What’s your favorite kind of sandwich and what would you wash it down with?
The Oceans Above – Tuna And Cheeeeese melt! And Cider to finish is off.
Townes – Fav sandwich?? Has to be the philly steak! chicken or beef… either one! Hmmmm… wash it down with a cold ice tea or seltzer water with lime.
What one song never leaves your playlist?
The Oceans Above – DEAF HAVANA – ANEMOPHBIA OR, Foo Fighters – Best Of You
Townes – Pretty Thing by Broods ( @broodsmusic) and Runaways by @bettywho! Sorry had to list 2 lol!